No. 11: The Care Package

As I mentioned, my injured friend will have a lot of prominence on this list. Poor Erin…I’m sure there a million other things she’d rather be than fodder for my 100 acts of kindness. Oh well, as long as she needs it, I’ve got it to give.

I need to mention that my sweet friend Tammy is in on these next few, too. Their Little Girls make up half of the Little Guy’s crew, and we’ve all grown pretty close.

Earlier this week, I got to see Erin, and she pretty much burst into tears immediately. The site of a friend — and the first opportunity to be out of the house in weeks — was more than she could bear. Can you imagine? Just seeing a friendly face bringing you to tears.

So Tammy and I went into cahoots, but this thing ended up with more moving parts than this morning’s stalled Orion launch.

Tonight, Erin will get a “laid up in bed with nothing to do” care package that includes Chex mix, chocolate, Pepperidge Farm cookies, some chick flicks, a little science experiment that involves candy (to do with her daughter) and a couple cute little books. Hubs is taking Little Guy and Little Erin to choir practice tonight, so he’ll pass the gift on to Erin’s Hubs.

Thanks to a holiday happy hour that ran long (don’t judge me), I wasn’t able to pick up Tammy’s contribution, so this morning she left it in Little Guy’s daycare cubby for Hubs to pick up before delivering it to Erin’s hubs who will then deliver it to Erin (I’m out of breath).

I got this note from Tammy this morning:

“Little Tammy was proud to have the responsibility of taking a bag of books to Little Guy’s cubby for his dad to take to Little Erin’s dad to give to Little Erin’s mom to make her leg feel better.”

Sometimes kindness is a comedy of errors, but we’re getting it done. I love friendship!